Where the Pavement Ends Life Begins

Today, Wyokiddo and I went to play at the reservoir a few miles from our house. The water is so high right now, there wasn't really much beach for her to play on, but we found some shallow water and ...
June 24, 2015 / wildlife
Meet our “bird” dog
Border collies are working dogs. They were bred to help with livestock, specifically sheep, and are the kind of dog that needs a job to keep them happy. They are known for their intelligence, obedie...
June 23, 2015 / Bird Farm Life
Severe Weather
It was a wild and wacky weather day here at the bird farm. At least four separate severe storms rolled over the top of us. We escaped with no damage, but friends to the south and east weren't so luc...
June 17, 2015 / Bird Farm Life
A toad catching kind of life
My daughter, Wyokiddo, turned 3 a few days ago, and we celebrated by hosting a party for family and a few friends. Wyokiddo loved seeing her grandparents, and especially loved showing everyone around...
June 14, 2015 / family
Wyoming gets a lot of publicity for what nerdy wildlife biologists like my husband like to call "charismatic mega fauna," i.e., grizzly bears, wolves, elk, moose, etc. But I have to say, I think some...
June 14, 2015 / Wlidlife
Going Buggy
Our move from the high altitudes of western Wyoming brought us closer to family and friends. And it has brought us closer to bugs. Lots and LOTS of bugs. Ants, beetles, earwigs, millers, spiders, m...
June 10, 2015 / Bird Farm Life
Wyoming Blogger Life – What’s In Your Basket
In rural areas of Wyoming, finding fresh reasonably priced produce can be a challenge. In lieu of spending $9 on a pound of asparagus, I turned to a thing called Bountiful Baskets. It's a food co-op...
May 28, 2015 / writing
I love summer because it means open windows and nature sounds in the evening. We've been hearing several owls call at night right outside our bedroom window. After some investigating, I found th...
May 27, 2015 / Nature
The “Grounded” Gourmet
The last month of my life has been dedicated to moving. Sorting. Packing. Changing our Address. Cleaning the old house. Unpacking. Organizing the new house. I am tired of boxes. So tired of bo...
May 21, 2015 / writing