Where the Pavement Ends Life Begins

Lingle, Wyoming Family Photographer: Staci W. and family
You’ve heard of the concept of six degrees of separation, right? Where every person on earth is connected to everyone else by no more than six people? In Wyoming, I really believe that number shri...
January 26, 2019 / Family Photography
Torrington Wyoming Family Photographer – Jenny & Family
I read a lot of blogs on social media about mom-shaming and mean-girl moms. It’s when moms bully other moms for their parenting or lifestyle choices as a way to gain stature. That is so NOT Jenny....
January 18, 2019 / Families
The Future Land Ethic: Wyoming Country Lifestyle Blog and Photography
Back before I was a Wyoming photographer or blogger, I worked for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department as the head of their information and publications programs. One of my favorite monthly tasks was...
January 10, 2019 / Country Lifestyle
Finding Your Artistic Style: Five Lessons From Ernest Hemingway
What can a hard-living, hell-raising author from several decades ago teach you about finding your photographic style? Maybe more than you think! I originally wrote this article for Cole's Classroom,...
January 7, 2019 / Inspiration
Are you 2019’s Most Amazing Couple?
Win a free couples photo or engagement session with Dirt Road Wife Photography! 💏ARE YOU 2019’s MOST AMAZING COUPLE? You could win a FREE PHOTO SESSION!💏 Did you get engaged over the holidays an...
January 3, 2019 / Events & Milestones
2019 New Year’s Resolutions, mini-sized: Country Lifestyle Blogger and Photographer
There are two kinds of people in the world this time of year: those who love making New Year’s resolutions and those who don’t. Wait, that’s a lie. There are also people who hate people who love mak...
January 1, 2019 / Country Lifestyle
A parliament in the yard:Wyoming Lifestyle Blog and Photography
When Outdoor Guy calls "Hey, come see something," I know it's going to be a good day. That something today was a great horned owl. He was hanging out next to our yard, all black beak and huge talo...
December 20, 2018 / Country Lifestyle
Tidings of Comfort and Joy: Wyoming Photographer
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while ca...
December 18, 2018 / Country Lifestyle
National Day of the Horse Wyoming Lifestyle Blogger and Photogrpaher
Today is National Day of the Horse. I can say without a doubt I am a better person for having grown up on the back of one of God’s most amazing creatures. What started as a little girl’s infatuati...
December 13, 2018 / Country Lifestyle