August 14, 2018 / writing
Country Lifestyle Blog: Philosophy and a Sub Sandwich
The gap between MORE and ENOUGH never closes.
How many times have we wanted more, convinced that will be enough? Convinced that once we had “enough” we would find happiness? If we could just make $500 more a month, that would be enough. If I could just get that promotion, my job will be good enough. If I could book 2 more weddings a year, it would be enough. If I could just lose five more pounds, it will be enough and I’ll feel good about myself.
More time, money, followers, friends, wins, accolades, a nicer car, better clothes you name it.
More, more, more. And yet, it’s never enough. It becomes an all-consuming feedback loop of chronic competition, zeal and general unhappiness for you and those around you. Sometimes we’ve been chasing more for so long we forgot why we started the race in the first place? Why are you chasing more? For happiness? Love? To keep up with the neighbors? To meet an unattainable standard set by other people who aren’t happy?
It’s not that I don’t want things or that our family has shunned all material goods. We’re saving for a boat and socking away money for a family vacation and for retirement. But both Outdoor Guy and I learned a long time ago that adding up the value of all your stuff and bank accounts will never total up to happiness. That’s something that comes from within.
One of my favorite quotes comes from a Kurt Vonnegut poem entitled “Joe Heller,” in which Vonnegut describes a brief conversation between him and Joseph Heller, author of Catch-22. Vonnegut teases Heller that the billionaire hosting the party made more in a day than Heller’s famed novel would bring in over several lifetimes.
“And Joe said, ‘I’ve got something he can never have.’
And I said, ‘What on earth could that be, Joe?’
And Joe said, ‘The knowledge that I’ve got enough.’”
Friends, relish in the knowledge that you have enough. That you are enough. Set your soul free. Enough.